
The Scottish Forum on Natural Capital invites you to a Lunch & Learn webinar with Roy Richardson (SEPA) to explore Scotland’s approach to River Basin Management Planning (RBMP) and early thinking on incorporating a natural capital approach. The RBMP is Scotland’s plan for protection and improvement of the water environment and all the benefits wildlife, people and the economy derive from it. The RBMP includes statutory objectives and a detailed programme of measures to help manage water quality, water resources and the physical condition of Scotland’s water environment. The next update is due by December 2027, and we are considering how to incorporate a natural capital approach.

Date: Wednesday, 14 May 2025

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Format: Online (Zoom)

This session will provide valuable insights into:

  • The origins of RBMP in Scotland and its development over time
  • The current landscape of RBMP, including key actions and priorities
  • How stakeholders can practically engage with RBMP4 and contribute to its development.

The webinar will feature a 15-20 minute presentation, followed by an interactive Q&A and discussion, including breakout sessions to explore key themes and next steps.

Register here: https://scottishwildlifetrust.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u8ru_hc7RW211AjkTQhS1A