Animated Video: Visions for Scotland’s Natural Capital

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital in 2024, we produced this animated video reflecting on the momentum gained in protecting Scotland’s natural assets, hopes and visions for the next decade and the action already in progress.   Produced by Slinky Productions – Video Production Company With thanks to all contributors: Jo Pike, Chief Executive


The Brand Guide for the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital includes our colour palettes and typography. Download the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital Logo Collection

Coursera – Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration

In this free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), learners get to design their own innovative business model for landscape restoration. With a focus on the potential of business model innovation to make a bridge between ecology and economy using 4 returns: return of natural capital return of social capital return of inspiration return of financial capital You will move from

Coursera – Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making

The aim of the course is to introduce businesses employees to the Capitals Approach and help them to get started with integrating natural, social and human capitals into business decision-making. The course consists of four modules and its structure follows the internationally recognized Natural Capital Protocol and Social and Human Capital Protocols and features many business examples to demonstrate why

Crown Estate Scotland – Trial of the Natural Capital Protocol on land-based businesses

In 2018, Crown Estate Scotland partnered with the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital, SEPA, Scottish Natural Heritage, the James Hutton Institute and SRUC to deliver the world’s first trial of the Natural Capital Protocol on land-based businesses. The Trial included 2 tenant farms and the Glenlivet Estate in Moray. The Protocol was particularly useful in improving understanding of natural capital assets and

Infographic: Act now, save later

A report, published in November 2024 following a collaboration between the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes, highlights the potentially devastating consequences Scotland could face if accelerated action is not taken to protect and restore nature. The report examines two potential scenarios of what Scotland could look like in 2045, depending on

Natural Capital Free Online Training

We Value Nature have produced training resources designed for businesses, organisations or colleagues in the early stages of their natural capital journey with an interest in learning more about what natural capital is, why it is important for business and how to start integrating it into business decision-making. The modules are free to share and adapt for your organisation and
