The Scottish Government’s CivTech Challenge 8 launched its Innovate for Nature strategy in November 2022.

The CivTech scheme takes real problems faced by government departments, public sector organisations and charities, and invites anyone with a brilliant idea to collaborate to create the solution.

The Challenges posed for CivTech Challenge 8 included:

Challenge 8.3 – How can technology help to create a nature network by 2030 across all of the different areas of Scotland?

Challenge 8.4 – How can technology help us better assess and identify projects and opportunities that will improve and increase investment in Scotland’s marine natural capital?

Challenge 8.5 – How can technology help NatureScot flexibly manage its understanding of the state of protected areas by making best use of available evidence?

Challenge 8.6 – How can biodiversity credits be designed in a way that provides simplicity for projects and buyers, and enables investment in Scotland’s nature?

Discover the outcomes CivTech Demo Day

Explore the latest challenges Welcome to CivTech Round 9 — CivTech (