
Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:00 – 13:00 GMT

Part of the ‘Water Series: Options for Developing a Market for the Water Environment’, this lunch and learn event will include an overview of regulatory nature markets in the US, including those administered under the Clean Water Act (streams, wetlands and water quality trading) and the Endangered Species Act (species and habitats). As this is part of the Water Series, the main focus of will be on stream and wetland markets in the US and will highlight the history of the program and its approach to ecological and administrative performance and governance challenges.

This event is also part of a series to launch the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital’s International Exploration Zone to build connections across international nature finance and nature market activities. The aim of the Zone is to bring together knowledge and understanding of what works (or doesn’t work) in established markets, and potentially identify innovative policy solutions.

The presentation will be followed by an open dialogue to discuss other areas of interest for the new International Exploration Zone and will also continue the discussions within the Water Series to explore valuation of water as a natural capital asset.

Who should attend: Anyone who is interested in water markets or knowledge exchange around ecosystem markets

Speaker: Julia McCarthy

Speaker Bio: Julia McCarthy is a research associate at SRUC working on a project funded by the NERC Integrating Nature Finance and Biodiversity Programme. She is also self-employed as an ecologist (MCIEEM) where she works with multidisciplinary teams to provide strategic and expert advice to improve program governance, implementation and policy, and advance science-based approaches, including the development of stream assessment frameworks for regulatory ecosystem markets in the USA. She has over a decade of previous experience as an environmental scientist with the US Environmental Protection Agency, where she worked on regional and national program implementation and policy development within the Clean Water Act program regulating impacts to streams and wetlands. Julia is a member of the Scottish Nature Finance Pioneers network and currently lives in Fife, Scotland.

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